Defining Your Content and Workflow for a Successful WordPress Membership Site”

As someone who specializes in teaching WordPress membership site design, I understand the importance of establishing a clear content strategy and workflow. In this blog post, I’ll delve into the key insights from a video I created, where I guide you through the process of defining your content and comprehending how each element contributes to building an effective membership site using Crocoblock JetEngine for WordPress.

Starting with a Solid Foundation

When embarking on the journey of crafting a membership site, the very first step is to define your content. Regardless of whether it’s textual or visual, this initial stage plays a pivotal role in shaping the entire project. Rather than succumbing to the allure of intricate examples found online, I advocate beginning with a simplified version. This approach allows you to grasp the intricacies and tailor the project to align with your specific vision.

Shifting the Focus

In the initial phases, it’s advisable to sidestep elaborate membership site models and concentrate on defining your content in a way that resonates with your understanding. This process not only aids in highlighting crucial components that warrant attention but also prompts further research where necessary. To facilitate this, leveraging tools like visual boards (such as Miro) or note-taking apps (like Notion) proves beneficial. Whether you’re diving into a new project or fine-tuning an existing one, establishing a clear content direction is paramount. This visualization can be an indispensable tool for collaboration and effective communication.

Building Upon Experience

Drawing from my experience with the Duolingo website, I’ve developed a course designed to simplify the process of creating a membership site. By constructing it from the ground up, I aim to elucidate the connections and explore potential avenues. The foundational step involves outlining the course structure, which I demonstrate using the versatile platform, Miro. Complementing this, I utilize Snagit to capture screenshots and record interactions. This approach allows for a deeper understanding of user pathways and the interplay of elements on the Duolingo site.

Harnessing the Power of Tools

Among the arsenal of tools I use, Figma emerges as a valuable asset for my team. However, it’s crucial to note that we delve into Figma after establishing the content architecture. This order ensures that wireframing the layout comes only after comprehending the content’s flow and interactions. By adopting this strategy, I’ve managed to capture screenshots and animations from the Duolingo site. This repository of reference material proves invaluable for future projects. Analyzing the successes of established e-learning platforms like Duolingo helps in implementing effective research-backed strategies to amplify your membership site’s impact.

Content Mapping and User Journeys

The core objective of the video is to initiate the content definition process. Begin by segmenting users into different categories: visitors, non-logged-in users, and logged-in students. This segmentation lays the groundwork for defining their respective journeys. For instance, non-logged-in users might be directed towards registration or free resources, while logged-in students access their dashboard. This content map evolves from visitor to student, encompassing elements like new member onboarding and addressing the needs of returning members.

Visualizing the Journey

To facilitate the process, tools like Miro offer an intuitive platform for mapping out user journeys and connections. While traditional methods like pen and paper remain viable, platforms like Miro provide the added advantage of easy updates and modifications. This process is the bedrock upon which design and development stages are built. Rushing into design before establishing a comprehensive content definition often results in wasted time and suboptimal outcomes. Instead, begin with a clear content map to lay a strong foundation for your membership site project.


In conclusion, this blog post provides a distilled version of the video, highlighting the significance of content definition and its role in crafting a successful WordPress membership site. The journey from conceptualization to content mapping sets the stage for an effective development process. Remember, this overview is just the beginning; the true journey involves delving deeper. So, take advantage of tools like Miro, Notion, or even traditional pen and paper to establish a solid content foundation for your membership site project.

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